Team-Building with the Enneagram and PAEI roles
A new paradigm for teamwork: how to make your team effective and efficient in the short and the long term.

Our foundational training
Based on the Enneagram and the PAEI roles discovered by Dr. Ichak Adizes, this training will allow participants to:
Understand the 4 roles and functions that allow the creation of complementary teams that are effective and efficient in the short and long term.
Carry out a "role audit" (every member of the team takes de MIOS Assessment) and understand where our team is strong, and where it has challenges.
Understand your personality style and the team roles that come naturally to you - and how to gain new skills and competencies needed for success.
Increase productivity by aligning the strengths of each individual with particular tasks in the team.
Obtain a framework and a common language with which team members can better understand and manage communication, problem solving and team culture.
Learn a holistic model that will allow you to integrate within itself, any methodology, tool, or instrument that is already being used in your company.
Half-day live face-to-face (or live online) training, or full day (deep)
For up to 30 participants in one group.
Investment: $4,350 half day, $7,300 1.5 days. individual action plans.