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(Coaching with the Enneagram, the MBTI and Anthony Robbins-Cloe Madanes' HNP) by Yechezkel & Ruth Madanes, with a Foreword by master trainer of psychotherapists Cloe Madanes.

“The beauty of this new Enneagram and Coaching book is how the authors have created a non-pathologizing methodology that recognizes both our humanness and our spiritual core. We highly admire the spirit and depth of their approach to coaching with the Enneagram” — Don Riso & Russ Hudson, co-authors of the international best-sellers Personality Types and The Wisdom of the Enneagram. This widely acclaimed book offers coaches, consultants, trainers, and therapists the necessary tools to transform their careers using the Enneagram, a sophisticated personality types system, as a basis for effective interventions.

From Stuckness to Growth - Executive Coaching - Madanes.webp

FROM STUCKNESS TO GROWTH: Executive Coaching - By Yechezkel & Ruth Madanes, with a Foreword by world-renowned authority in organizational transformation Ichak Adizes, Ph.D.

“Good leaders know the importance of relationships to a healthy organization. From Stuckness to Growth will raise your awareness as a leader. Knowing how each individual’s unique personality type drives his or her behavior will improve the value of every interaction and relationship in your workplace. Every leader should keep this book nearby and refer to it often.”

– KEN BLANCHARD Co-author of “The One Minute Manager®” and “Great Leaders Grow”

“To succeed as a leader you must uncover the belief system that shapes your decisions. Powerful tools for transformation!”

—ANTHONY ROBBINS, New York Times best-selling author of Awaken the Giant Within and Unlimited Power.

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Coaching 3.0

When it comes to masterful coaching standards, one name stands far above the rest: the International Association of Coaching (IAC) Coaching Masteries®. The IAC was the brainchild of Thomas J. Leonard, the founder of both the IAC and the ICF, and the Nine Masteries were developed by an international team of expert coaches, whose dedication and hard work yielded an authoritative system that is the gold standard of coaching.

Drawing from multiple scientific sources, this Madanes book takes you on a journey of the evolution of coaching from its origins until today. It explains the dangers of getting stuck in the past with outdated certifying approaches, why the future of coaching depends on the adoption of an integrative framework of mind-heart-body-spirit based on heightened awareness—and why and how the Nine Masteries are such a framework.

Packed with dozens of case studies, tools, protocols, and powerful ideas that can be put to use right away, this immensely practical book offers aspiring as well as experienced coaches the resources for a successful coaching career in the 21st century.

With a Foreword by the International Association of Coaching’s President.

Coaching 1.0: Mind / Coaching 2.0: Mind and Heart / Coaching 3.0: Mind, Heart, Body, and Spirit

The Power of opposites - The Adizes Methodology.webp

The Power of Opposites

Dr.Ichak Adizes is one of the world’s leading management consultants, advisor to heads of state and professor of management at some of the world’s most prestigious universities. He created a legendary methodology that bears his name and is the autor of 26 books. Together with Yechezkel and Ruth Madanes, in this book they will teach you the secret to manage your marriage and your family as an organization. In this book you’ll learn that – contrary to commonly held beliefs- you don’t need to panic if you experience conflict in your marriage. Dr.Adizes, with his signature academic rigor, will show you why conflict is inevitable and how to use it to build an happy marriage and family. In this book, you’ll learn:

• The four roles that are needed for a healthy couple and family functioning.

• How to use the family lifecycle to keep the enthusiasm alive • How partners destroy each other – and how to prevent that from happening to you

• How to understand our partner’s personality style to communicate better with each other. Indispensable to both young couples and to established marriages – and of great value to anyone considering a relationship as well- this book will help you navigate your marriage life and not only survive but actually thrive in these times when couples are suffering constant crises.

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En nuestros días la vida pasa frente a nosotros cada vez mas de prisa, quizás más que en cualquier otra época previa de la Humanidad. Esto causa en nosotros mucha confusión y stress.

Usando el Eneagrama, este libro inspirador, profundo y fácil de leer, te guiará hacia una nueva manera de hacer meditación. No como una solución rápida para evitar el stress y el dolor tratando de suprimir tus pensamientos y emociones temporariamente – sino como una herramienta para ser más paciente y amoroso contigo mismo. Este libro te ayudará a desarrollar la habilidad de reconocer y prevenir las distracciones que tu mente fabrica y que evitan que puedas alcanzar tu verdadero poder interior: aquella sabiduría que ya existe dentro de ti, la que proviene de tu espíritu. De esta manera alcanzarás una calma y armonía duradera en todas las areas de tu vida, cada vez que lo desees.

Publicado por EDICIONES URANO, Barcelona, España.

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